Pattern families @ foprop

This is a repository of patterns in the foprop pattern language. At this stage we work only at the level of pattern families and narrative frame. Evolving the language and a full pattern reperetoire calls for time and diverse community.

Forces of production, relations of production

> See also:

Here we outline an evolving, distributed, collective practice of pattern language(ing) that generates and sustains the foprop weave.

The corresponding narrative frame is here:

Here we assemble the narrative frame. To begin, we work only at the level of pattern families.

The overall spread of pattern families across ¿zones of reach and §landscapes is like this:

<center><img width="100%" height="100%" src=""><br>An initial view of pattern families<center>

Here we describe one of the two dimensions of the foprop frame: zones of reach. The zones are oriented to the way in which ripples of consequence and outcome spread themselves. For sufficient complexity and sufficient simplicity, four zones are distinguished.

# Pattern families

> Note: The symbol ¿ is pronounced 'zone'



# ¿1 Care work - Work in emotional commons

¿100 Work in emotional commons - The pattern for care work, overall


¿110 Living gracefully within the doughnut - Greater-than-human relations

¿120 The balance of skill & impulse - In the body skills of pausing, befriending, enjoying, caring, letting be. Mental proliferation, views, mental formations, persistent tendencies.

¿130 Curating & enjoying commons - Constitutive moments and relationship of commoning.

¿140 Contribution & livelihood - Active value(ing) in an economy of contributions

150 Reparation & reconciliation - Social justice, seven Rs: listening and speaking with truth

¿170 Suchness - Resonant joy

¿190 Peace - Non-violence, force that is not violence.


# ¿2 Subsistence work - Work within the doughnut

¿200 Organising a real economy - The pattern for subsistence work, overall


¿210 Breathing in wild nature - Life systems of a green-blue planet

¿220 Domestic commons - Stuff that is 'tamed', to meet needs: 'second nature'

¿230 Digital means - Living well among golems, being somewhere with views from nowhere

¿260 Machinery of access - Bourgeois law constructs individuals, destroys community. Law for the commons

¿270 Machinery of fairtrade - Fairtrade as trade, per se

¿280 Machinery of rescue - The most basic provision for care

290 Waste - Over-consumption, sheer carelessness

¿2A0 Nano - 'Magical' manipulations of material

¿2B0 Prosthesis & symbiosis - Healthy, unhealthy & inescapable dependence on stuff

ZONE ¿3 - WE

# ¿3 Formación work - Knowing & being capable in the collective

¿300 Knowing & being capable in the collective - The pattern for formación work, overall


¿310 Design of design - Vernacular tools

¿350 Mirrors - Analytics, emergent patterns & pattern tech

¿370 Participatory budgeting - Collectively valuing distributions of means

¿380 Dance of DisCO - The practice of contribution economy in distributed cooperative organisations: livelihood work and personal care work, organisational care work and gift work; and the toolstack.

¿390 Funding - Assembling the means (work hours, contributions in kind, money) to enable members in the commons to make contributions of development work; and to cover risk.


# ¿4 Stewarding work - Engaging times and places over the horizon

¿400 Engaging beyond knowable community - The pattern for stewarding work, overall. Reaching times and places over the horizon


¿410 College(ing) - Institutionalising commons of capability

¿420 City in the doughnut - Where the rubber hits the road?

¿430 Bioregion - Not city, not state. What about ethnoregion?

440 Grandchildren & elders - Reaching down into the material circumstances of life in unborn generations, and back into the (different) experience of previous ones.

¿450 Commons of commons - Not the state